Monday, October 26, 2015

The carless city

1903 - streets for people - photo by shopy

It felt strange looking at a faded, black and white wall photo of a downtown street from 1900. No expressways. No cars. Only horses, buggies and Victorian dressed pedestrians. The Model T Ford was eight years away.

I wonder if those pedestrians had the foggiest notion of the transport tsunami that would befall their children a few decades forward?

Expressways and cars changed everything. Horses and buggies vanished. Expressways depleted cities of the middle class and led to deserted high crime downtowns. They triggered sprawl and, along with vanishing streetcar lines, the decline of urban villages. In return cars offered individual freedom to roam and opportunity to escape congestion and crime in congested downtowns.


Last week another mobility tsunami emerged - car free cities! Norway announced that the central area of the capital city Oslo will be car-free in 4 years. The Oslo council plans to permanently ban vehicles from their central city.

It’s hard to argue the plan isn't futuristic. SafeGrowth blogs in the past describe similar visions, a theoretical design called The Venus Project and an urban experiment called Masdar City, currently under construction.

Oslo, however, is the first existing major city with over a half million residents to attempt it for real. It is unclear how 60 kilometers of new bike lanes will help residents navigate Oslo’s -5C, snowy winters. Horse buggies perhaps? Yet their plan to create a carless city heralds a truly visionary future.


  1. Mateja MihinjacOctober 30, 2015

    I'm loving this Greg!

    It is interesting how modern urban cities progress towards livability (albeit mainly in an effort to reduce carbon gas emissions) by increasing pedestrianisation whereas the process of industrialisation has wrongly seen social progress in expanding vehicular infrastructure.

    Mateja Mihinjac

    1. Very true Mateja. Great point.

      And there is an interesting criminal conspiracy that documents how companies like GM, Standard Oil, Firestone, and other corporate conspirators worked together to shut down economical and effective streetcar lines in order to protect their profits.

      They were indicted for conspiracy to create a transport monopoly in 1947. Their big penalty? $5000 for one company and a $1 fine for one CEO.

      And we think street criminals are the main culprits! Check out:


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