Sunday, May 3, 2015

Building a relationship with law enforcement

Daniel Nicoletta's photo White Night Riots - photo licensed by Wikimedia Commons 
Last week there were more shootings by, and of, police. There were more riots - Baltimore, Seattle. Time Magazine commentators claim “protests and riots - uprisings - could become the new normal. Welcome to the new America.”

It does not need to be the new normal!

This Wednesday I invite you to a webinar on making things better with police and communities.

Over and over in SafeGrowth we discover that we develop the powerful skills of partnering through the very act of organizing together. As McKnight and Kretzman told us long ago in The Careless Society self-help doesn’t just happen in community and professionals like the police can’t do it all.


This Wednesday, May 6, the International Downtown Association is sponsoring a webinar Building A Strong Relationship With Law Enforcement. On the webinar I will be exploring new options for partnering with police with Martin Cramer from Downtown Dallas Inc., and Michael Schirling, Police Chief in Burlington, Vermont.

The webinar requires registration (it is a pay-for-service webinar) and you can register at the International Downtown Association webinar page.

The webinar times in different timezones are

  • Wed May 6, 3-4PM EST (New York/Toronto)
  • Wed May 6, 12-1PM PST (Seattle/Vancouver)
  • Wed May 6, midnight - 1AM (London/Amsterdam)
  • Thurs May 7, 8-9AM (Sydney/Brisbane)
  • Thurs May 7, 10-11AM (Auckland/Christchurch)

Please join us.


  1. Will there be a chance to see this at another time? My unit is in training during the webinar. Thank you.

  2. Yes Joan, I'm told the International Downtown Association will make both the recording and the PowerPoints available. You can check their site or check here. I'll post their link after the event. Thanks for asking.


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