Sunday, September 25, 2011

Don't Shoot - Ending inner city violence

Street drug dealing and gang violence isn't the only neighborhood crime problem. But it's at the top of the list.

I met David Kennedy a few years ago and liked him immediately. He's a professor at New York's John Jay College. He has no PhD or MA, yet today he is a leading voice in crime prevention policy. When he speaks about drug dealers and gang violence, people listen. I certainly do. Every time I've seen him he strikes me as the smartest guy in the room.

The New Yorker says he's onto something. Newsweek magazine says he is the only person "who has ever come up with a consistently viable and cost-effective strategy for helping the inner city" drug and gang problems.

If you don't know David's work on Boston's Cease Fire anti-gang project or the High Point, NC, drug dealer project, then you need to get caught up. No better way than to read his latest book -Don't Shoot.

I haven't read it yet but David is one of the few people whose book I can recommend before I have.

Malcolm Gladwell, of Tipping Point fame, says: "Don't Shoot will do for the fight against violence what Rachel Carson's Silent Spring did for the environmental movement a generation ago".

When someone like Gladwell says that, it's time to pay attention.


  1. Thanks for the blog. I just read criminologist David M. Kennedy’s new book, “Don’t Shoot; One man, a street fellowship, and the end of violence in inner-city America. Malcolm Gladwell wrote, “Don’t Shoot will do for the fight against violence what Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring did for the environmental movement a generation ago.”

    I humbly agree – it may be the most important book I’ve read in the field over the past 25 years in the field. Thanks for the tip!

    Tod S

  2. You are welcome for the tip. David's book has been receiving nation-wide acclaim. His Don't Shoot method, along with Gary Slutkin's CeaseFire program, may be the two biggest contributions to epidemic inner-city gang crime in a generation. Thanks for the comment.


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